You can’t browse the internet these days without being greeted by a cookie banner. Annoying? Definitely. Confusing? Oh, 100%.What are you supposed to do—click “accept” and hope for the best? Reject and risk a clunky and annoying user experience? Or just close the banner and pretend it never existed?I get it. That’s why I’m here
GDPR. It might just be my least favorite thing to deal with as a solopreneur. (Tops accounting by… A LOT.)The rules are confusing, and let’s be honest—you never really know if you’re doing it right. And to make matters worse, it’s one of those things that irritates the heck out of your visitors, too.I live
Camilla Grøn
Does your about page stink?Find out in just 3 seconds by doing the YES/NO test:If your about pageA) is only about your mission and visionorB) is only about … YOU… then it stinks.Pardon my language. Just being straight up honest witcha!The good news is: You're not alone. Most about pages actually stink a bit. Mine
Camilla Grøn